Committee Annotation:
Nobody knows, not even her best friend, that Georgina, her mother and her brother got kicked out of their apartment and must live in their car. Georgina sees an old poster offering $500 for the return of a dog- if she could only get $500 for a month's rent-but how? Could she really steal a dog?
Subjects: Homelessness, single-parent families, brothers and sisters, family problems, dogs, friendship, money schemes
Author website: http://www.barboconnor.com/
I found this book absoloutly addorable!!!! I got very glued to the book at the end .A little bit predictabl but great. I lovvvvvvvvvvvveeeeeeeee this book. I recomend this book to anyone inspired by dogs, friendship, and adventure! Well done !
Eleanor F.
I found this book very funny and emotional book.I finished this book in 1 day because it was so good.I already recomend this book to some of my classmate.Nice work, well done, and marvolous work. Jody H. Eden Park school
This book is about a girl who steals a dog to pay a months rent on a house.
Once I started reading it I couldn't put it down.It's like my hands were stapled to it.This book is very sad someone could really live in a car.There's not one picture in the book but I could picture the story happening in my mind. I actually felt like I was a charactor in the story.
SA Grade4 Charlestown School
i love this book!!! it is telling a message by showing that doing somthing that helps you....really hurts somone else in the heart. this book shows that when you want to do somthing bad....think a bout it befor you do it.
mackenzie e. john brown francis school
Once I started reading it I couldn't put it down,it's like my hands were stapled to it.It is very sad someone could really live in a car.There's not one picture in the book but I could picture the story happening in my mind.I actually felt like I was a character in the story.
SA 4th grade Charlestown School
I liked this book because even though they stole a dog and it was a bad idea, It had a happy ending.
Lily Meeting Street School
I liked this book because the dog reminded me of my nieces' dog, monchuchu. I also liked the fact that Georgina told the truth, it was hard to do.
Angel, Meeting Street School
I thought the author did a good job about what it was like to live in a car, I know that I would not want to be homeless.
Javier Meeting Street School
i really liked this book,it had a lot of fealing and heart. my favorite part was when willy jumped into caramella. this book is sooooooo cool and amazing!
I Thought this book was very touching.I hardly put the book down!I don't have a dog but I want one!This Book is soooooo amazing!
You Should read it to!The caracters are so life like.The Book is awsome!!!!!!!
I llllooooovvveeeeeedddddd this book! It was my favorite rooster book so far. I couldn't put it down. Barbara O'Conner really made a fantastic plot and storyline. It is about this girl named Georgeina and she is homeless. She decides to steal a dog to get money for an apartment. I would totally reccomend this book! Two thumbs up!
Julie K.
This book was about a family who lives in a car, and the girl tries to steal a dog to get money.When she would return the dog,she would get money, which she would use for rent.I thought this book was very touching.I felt like I was this girl trying to steal this dog.It made me understand how it feels like to be poor homeless.I recommend this book to anyone who likes to read.
this book was great it had a very good begining but in the middle it was ok because it stole a dog and that is not a good thing but it did show a very good message but i really recemend this book to people who like these very good begining,a mystories middle, and a very sad end
i like this book alot it is very good i like how gorgina discribed the dog cause it seemed so cute also when gorgina told the truth ...i would try so hard but not so easily
How to Steal a Dog was a wonderful book. You would like it if you know how to steal a dog and make decisions. It was a fantastic, surprising book. My favorite part was the chapter when she went to the house of the owner and actually stole the dog, the cute little dog! People that like dogs would love this book!
Alissa R.
grade 5
Maisie Quinn Elem.
West Warwick
I think you should read How to Steal a Dog because it's a goooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood book. It gives you tips how to take care of your dog.
grade 4
Tiogue School
Coventry, RI
I loved the book How To Steal a Dog it is one of the bests books ever.I would would give it a 10 on a scale of 1 to 10.
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