Committee Annotation:
Duke, known as the father of modern surfing, once rode a 30-foot wave for almost two miles onto Waikiki Beach. This native Hawaiian was also the fastest swimmer in the world for 12 years.
Subjects: Swimming, surfing, Hawaii, overcoming prejudice, the Olympics
Author website: http://www.elliecrowe.com/
I just read Surfer of the Century. Two thumbs up! It was about a surfer who surfed half way around the world. He was the best surfer in the world. It was a non-fiction biography. If you love surfers read this book! Read Surfer of the Century!
Grade 5, Greenbush Elementary
West Warwick
This was a fabulous book- everyone should read it!
Grade 4, Scott School
Surfer of the Century was a great book .It was about a boy named Duke . He loved to swim after his dad taught him . Then he started to surf . He went to the olympics . You should read this book!!
BC Grade 4,Scoot School
Surfur of the century is an AWSOME book!
I AGREE 2 thumbs up!And if you like surfers AND Olimpics I gurrantee that you will fall in love with this book!
SP Grade 4,Scott School Warwick
this book was one of the best ones i have ever listend to ever!!!! its the bomb it was so good that I was day dreaming throughout the entire storie I pretened I was a surfer in the sea also I giveit 1billon thumbs up!!!! ALSO READ THIS BOOK!!!! and I think I was inthe olmpics watching the swimmers IM Grade,4 scott school Warwick
Sufer of the century i loveit . it was about this boy name Duke and he lrend to swim in 1902 . He was a famess swimer the he went to the OLYMPICES in 1911. He was was born in 189. HE LIVE IN hOWIE and one day he broke the fast swimer it was 55.45seconds and 63,4 seconds in the Olympices. p.s I love this book! MG scott school warwick grade ,4
Surfer of the Centry
Duke was a strong man.It was 1890 when he was born. he grew up getting very fearse. At age 4 his dad and him went out on a conue and his dad tied him to a rope and through him out into the water. Duke had to trie to swim back. He one a Hundred meter race in seconds! It was amazing to here. I just love this book. So READ READ READ this book! You will love it to!!!!!!!!!
this is a perfect book to read.i mean who wouldnt want to beet a olimpic record. This nonfichtion book will blow your mind.
HP grade 4 Scott School Warwick
My library teacher just read Surfer of the Century.I think it is a great book.A surfer named duke went to the olympics to swim.He won!!!If you love to surf this book is for you.
grade 4,Scoot School
This book is the best book I Read 1 thing is its a nonficten book I hope you like this book to.
Grade 4 Scott school
This book is not like any other.
This book tellws about a person that is a great swimmer and wins a
gold medal in the olympics.
Scoot School grade 4 Warwick
surfer of the sentury is abaut a man who was an incredibal surfer and swimmer. at age7 he was tough to swim by his brother by tieing him up and threw him over the side of an outrigger canoe. in his early twentes he was accepted into the olimpics. this book is awsome!
grade 4
scott school warwik
this was the best book ever!
In the story Surfer of the Century by Ellie Crowe, Duke Kahanamoku wanted to go to the 1912 Olympics to win the gold for Hawaii. At the age of 4, Duke’s father and Uncle took him out in the ocean in a canoe, tied a rope around his waist, and threw him into the water. That’s how people from Hawaii learned how to swim. When he was older, he dropped out of high school. Bill Rawlins was an attorney in Hawaii who coached Duke and trained him for the first Amateur Athletic Union race held in Hawaii. Duke broke the 1911 world record for the 100 meter race! Then Duke qualified for the Olympic tryouts, and made the United States team. But when Duke got to the Olympics, he was no where to be found when his event began. Where was he? You’ll have to read the story to figure it out!
Mrs. Bailey’s 4th Grade Class
Scott School
Hang ten! The Surfer of the Century by Ellie Crowe is a great book about a guy named Duke Kahanamoku who made it to the Olympics swimming. He was the first Hawaiian to win a gold medal! When he learned how to swim, he was tossed into the ocean with a rope around his waist, the other end attached to the boat, and he had to swim back. When he had free time, Duke loved to surf and swim. When he was older, Bill Rawlins asked Duke if he wanted to compete in the Amateur Athletic Union Hawaii race, and Duke broke the 1911 World Record for the 100 meter. Then he went to the 1912 Olympic tryouts, and made the team! At the Olympics, in Stockholm, Sweden, he ran into trouble when his race began. He mysteriously did not show up for the event. Read the book and you’ll find out the rest!
Ms. Nelson’s 4th Grade Class
Scott School
Surfer of the Century by Ellie Crowe is about a swimmer named Duke Kahanamoko who wants to swim in the Olympics and bring home a gold medal for Hawaii. This book tells about the adventurous moments he had in his life. I absolutely, positively loved reading this book! If you like swimming and surfing you'll love this book, but if you don't you'll still love it too! This book made me feel excited and scared at the same time. If you think watching Michael Phelps on television was cool, try reading this book, it's cooler! You will totally enjoy this book!
Grade 4, Scott School Elementary
SD warwick scott school
jan 20,2009
This is a good book . You should read this.
jan. 20 2009
grade 4,scott school warwick jb
This is a good book about a sufer who is really good named Duke. He got into the olympics and won the gold medal because he was fast. His family was happy for him.
Grade 4, Scott School
I really liked this book it was callled sufer of the centery. it is about this guy named Duke.he was born in 1890 and as he grew up he became a very good swimer and one day he got into the Olymics in 1911.you should read this book it is really good . but the weird thing is... I dont have a favorite part it was all so good there were alot of good parts. but best of all he won the Olympics !! Evreybody cheered for him so im telling you one more time you should read this book.brittany.r scoot elemantry
It makes me want to surf because Duke Kahanamoku is the world's greatest surfer.
grade 4
Tiogue School
Coventry, RI
If you like swimming, biographies,
and, the Olympics you should read this book! Surfer of the Century wasn't a good book! I would rate this book with one star. This is my opinion!
grade 4
Tiogue School
Coventry, RI
Surfer of the Century is an adventure book about a boy who likes to surf. People who like reading about adventures should read this book. I like this book because it has lots of information about surfing.
Shelby L.
grade 5
Maisie Quinn Elem.
West Warwick
Surfer of the Century makes me want to suuuurrrrffffff because Duke Kahanamoku is the worlds greatest surfer. [awesome] M.R.H
grade 4
Tiogue School
Coventry, RI
"Surfer of the Century" by Ellie Crowe is a very good children's book. I find this book to be a great children's book because it teaches children to follow their dreams. Also, don't let other people stop you from doing what you love. Lastly, I think this book is great for kids to read pecause it teaches kids that the color of your skin doesn't matter. Because everybody should be treated equaly and it doesn't what you look like on the outside. All that really matters is on the inside and if you are a good, helpful person.Iwould recommend this book to kids that love to swim and kids that really like the water. I would give this book two thumbs up.
This book is pretty good! It's very interesting. I can't belive Duke won etleast 3 Olympic medals. This was a great biography. Everyone should read it!
Julie K.
I think this book was long and good. I would reccomend this book to my friend zak because he skateboards and surfs and snowboards. this book made me feel good.
brendan w
lincoln central elementary
lincoln RI
I think the book Surfer of The Century was a very good book. This is because I thought the book gave a lot of information on surfing/ swimming. So, if someone a lot about swimming/surfing, they will know a thing or two about that. I would TOTALLY recommend this book to anyone who enjoys surfing or swimming.
I liked this book a lot. Surfer of the Century was a nice book because it was very descriptive. I would recommend this book to anybody who likes surfing. I would recommend this it to people who loke surfing because it is about a surfer who was in the Olympics. That shows he was a very good surfer. This book is a fictional biography about Luke Kahanamoku's life as a black male surfer. This book made me feel very good. I gave this book three paws because I thought i was GREAT!
I thought this book wasn't interesting and I didn't like it because it was boring and I don't really care about surfing. I would recommend this book to a person who likes surfing and swimming because the book is all about things you can do in the ocean like swimming and surfing. This book made me feel like people only swim and surf to get attention and win compatitions. I think this book should not be a childrens book awards book for 2009.
I thought this book was not good and I didnt like it because it was boring and I dont like surfing. I would reommend this book to someone who likes Hawii and surfinig. The book made me feel like people only swim to be a star. And I think this book should get one or two stars. I also think this book should not be in the 2009 book awards.
I like Beowlf because it was very interesting and never got boring. I would recomend this book because there's fighting, blood and guts!!!There is no guts but there was blood and fighting.
Alexander L.
Lincoln Central Elementary
Lincoln R.I.
I Loved this book.It was very interesting. Iloved all the swimming and surfing. I would recommend it to people who like swimming or surfing.
I liked this book because it was descriptive, for example it said that Duke [the main character] was very tall, strong, and a very fast swimmer. I also liked the illusrations. You could actuly see Dukes mucles! I think the author did a great job. I would defenitly reccomend this book to people who like swimming, surfing, the olympics, and Hawia!!
I enjoyed surfer of the century!
It was filled with facts about an
olympic swimmer from Hawaii named
Duke.It tells about his childhood
up to the end of his life.
the book i thought should get the medal is the book surfer of the century.this book tells about a man named duke from hawaii who is a great swimmer and surfer ,duke ends up making it in the olympics and he won a gold medal.i reccomend this book to people who love to swim and surf in the wide open ocean.
I really enjoyed reading this book because it was very interesting to learn about duke and i love biographies.Also, the pictures were reaaly detailed so it gave me a good visual of what the author was saying.I would recommend this book to anyone who enjoys the ocean and especially surfing!!
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