Committee Annotation:
Become a spider expert with these EXTREME close-up photos and astonishing, sometimes gruesome, arachnid facts. Gaze into their eyes and can almost feel their fangs!
Subjects: Spiders, photography
Author website: http://www.nicbishop.com/
I loved the information, it also had great pictures.I recomend it.
Eldrege Elmentry
East Grenwich
I think the book was very interesting.The photos were amazing.
Heidi S.
Jamestown School
Jamestown RI
I think the book had really good photography and i also think it had alot of detail. I really recommend it.
Isaac s.
Jamestown School
Jamestown RI
Josef c.
Jamestown school
Jamestown RI
It was a great book. I loved the pictures they're great information. It would be a 10 out of 10
i like the pictures
because there is action shots
and it has tons of information.
henry p.
jamestown school
i liked the pictures because it l felt liked you were there
I think the pictures in this book were really cool! You can learn a lot just from the pictures. You really can learn a lot about spiders!
Jamestown RI
Jamestown scool
I think the book was really interesting and it gave a lot of detail. I think the pictures were amazing. I learned a lot of things from this book and I might read it again soon.
Hope M.
Jamestown RI
Jamestown School
Jamestown school
Jamestown R.I
I loved the book Spiders
because Nic took all of those
good pictures just to make
a book!!!!
I like this book because the pics. are very cool!!!!!
This book was amazing I liked the pictures the most because it showed a spider spraying a fly with a web
i enjoyed the pictures it was very fascinating to me i loved the whole thing.
He knows how to really get you interested in spiders (still some people wont like them from some of the stuff that the author tells you that might gross you out but he made a very wonderful book
Jamestown Melrose
I think this book was great because I loved the great photos and the cool looking spiders.I wonder if you also loved the fun cover?
Sophie P
I really like this book because
the pictures cause the spiders are
I liked this book because it had a lot of interesting facts and pictures that spider lovers would love.But did you also know that when a jumping spider jumps it weaves a thread to pull itself back up in case it misses?I didn`t know that fact until I read the book.I liked this book the most because of the interesting pictures.I give this book 5 stars.
Grade 5, Greenbush Elementary
West Warwick, RI
The book Spiders by Nic Bishop has very cool facts and pictures of cool spiders that are big and small. Some are different colors. I think you should get this book because it will give you good information on spiders. If you ever see a spider,this book will tell you the body parts and what kind of spider it is. That's why you should get this book.
Grade 5, Greenbush Elementary
West Warwick
The title is Spiders. The author is Nic Bishop. The whole book is about spiders. My favorite spider is goliath bird eater tarantula. So if you like spiders look at this book.
Grade 5, Greenbush Elementary
West Warwick
Dear reader,
This book can be creepy in some pages, but if you like gross things then this book is for you!! It shows spiders dancing ,eating ,and more! Its gross! Ewww!!!!!!!!!!!!!Its Spiders by Nic Bishop.
Loves & kisses,
Grade 5, Greenbush Elementary
West Warwick
Do you like spiders and like nonfiction? Then you should read Spiders! The book Spiders has a great picture and awesome facts. It is written by Nic Bishop. If you read it I bet you'll love it. The book's picture is the best picture I ever seen. If you didn't read it yet you will need to read it! Student from Greenbush
West Warwick
If you like spiders than read Nic Bishop Spiders. It's an awesome book. The pictures are close up. You can see the tiney eyes. The fangs might be small ,but you can still see the fangs. And that's why you need to read Nic Bishop Spiders!
Grade 5, Greenbush Elementary
West Warwick
Did you ever read Spiders By Nic Bishop? Well I did and it was good. So you should read it. I thought the pictures were cool they looked 3-d and they looked like they were right in front of you. I would reccommend this book to people that like spiders. If you don't like spiders then don't read it. Did you know? That Nic Bishop photographs the spiders from his own house and his wife doesn't mind. So thanks for reading my review
Grade 5, Greenbush Elementary
West Warwick
"WOW" is what I said when I saw all the pictures in the book called Spiders by Nic Bishop. Nic Bishop put close up pictures of jumping spiders and tarantulas and lots more. Nic Bishop put a real lot of real good facts about spiders.
Grade 5, Greenbush Elementary
West Warwick
I recommend this book, Spiders, by Nic Bishop, to all people who think creepy and disgusting is awesome. There are some cool pictures to creepy, crawly fans but people who hate spiders will think they are disgusting.
Grade 5, Greenbush Elementary
West Warwick
I never knew how big spiders were. one is as big as a page. There was one called the jumping spider. spiders can be lots of colors.
Grade 5, Greenbush Elementary
West Warwick
Something I learned was that spiders are hairy. I did not know that spiders sometimes are blue. Sometimes spiders are like daddy long legs and the black widows are scary. I did not know that spiders are different colors.
Grade 5, Greenbush Elementary
West Warwick
If you like spiders then you will love the book. There are a lot of facts on mary different spiders like the jumping spider, black widow and much more. I did not like spiders until I read this book but now I love spiders.
Grade 5, Greenbush Elementary
West Warwick
If you like spiders then you should read the book that I just finished. The book that I read is called Spiders by Nic Bishop. One think I learned about spiders is the giant birdeater tarantula from South America is as big as a page in a book. If you want to read more it is called Spiders.
Grade 5, Greenbush Elementary
West Warwick
Dear Reader,
I like this book because I like learning about spiders but some pages can be gross! It is a great book by Nic Bishop.
Grade 5, Greenbush Elementary
West Warwick
Did you know that spiders can jump 80 feet? Find out more in Nic Bishop's Spiders.
Grade 5, Greenbush Elementary
West Warwick
Nic Bishop Spiders!
What would you do if you like spiders. Then read this book! You'll love this book! Did you know that spiders spit out some kind of poison!
Loves & kisses
Grade 5, Greenbush Elementary
West Warwick
Spiders by Nic Bicshop
Did you know that some spiders are green? They are called green link spiders and are leaf colored,so they can blend in and I also recommend it because it has great information about all kinds of spiders.
Hope you enjoy it
Green Bush Elementary
West Warwick
One great book I just finished was "Spiders" by Nic Bishop. I recommend spider lovers read this book. Hey, did you ever wonder how long a jumping spider can jump? This book will tell you. Also "Spiders" has almost every kind of spider in it and at least 2 facts about each one. Seriously, what would you do if you saw a spider the size of a book cover. I'd scream but it's a cool spider to learn about. This is a great book so if you haven't read it yet you should put it on your list of things to do.
grade 5, Greenbush Elementary
West Warwick
I really loved this book.It is called Spiders by Nic Bishop.I learnt that spiders cannot chew their food,so they use a special digestive juice and spit it on their prey to turn its insides into liquid.It is gross but true.If you love bugs and like to learn more about them,this is definitly the book for you!
Grade 5, Greenbush Elementary
West Warwick
If you like spiders than you're going to love this book by Nic Bishop. Nic Bishop wrote this amazing book called Spiders. This book tells all about spiders,what they eat, where they live, and more! This book also has fascinating close up pictures of spiders taken by Nic Bishop himself. Anyone who loves spiders will definitly love this book.
Grade 5, Greenbush Elementary
West Warwick
One great book I justfinished was Spiders by Nic Bishop. I recommend spider lovers read this book. Did you ever wonder how long a Jumping Spider can jump? Well, this book will tell you. Also, this has almost all kinds of spiders in it and tells at least 2 facts about each one. Seriously, what would you do if you saw a spider the size of a book cover? I'd scream but it's a cool spider to learn about. This is a great book so if you haven't read it yet you should put it on your list of things to do.
Grade 5, Greenbush Elementary
West Warwick
I loved this book. It is called Spiders by Nic Bishop. I learned that spiders cannot chew their food so they drink it. If you love bugs and like to read about them this is the book for you!
Grade 5, Greenbush Elementary
West Warwick
This book is about the wonders of the world of spiders. If you like books of spiders, you would like this book. My favorite part was when I learned about the jumping spider. I did not like when the big, hairy tarantula was eating a disqusting cockroach! In my opinion, this book is a really good book, especially for people who like bugs.
Anthony E.
grade 5
Maisie Quinn Elem.
West Warwick
This book was a bit gross for me. Although it is probaby a great book for someone who loves spiders. The pictures were gross but also pretty cool. Still if you like spiders than you should read Spiders by Nic Bishop.
Julie K.
You should read this book about spiders. It has spiders that are as big as dinner plates ,and spiders have webs as hard as steal. If you are a reader that loves spiders you would enjoy this book.
Warwick R.I Scott School
Jumping Spiders jump really, really high. About 20 times its own length!They can be as big is dinner plates too! Thats preety big."Spiders" by Nic Bishop has tons of fun facts about spiders. You will find everything you need to know. I recommend this book because its so interesting. I learned that spiders can do all sorts of things. Some are really big or hairy. Also, there is a lot of types of tarantulas.Everyone should read this even if they hate spiders!
Haley P.
scott school, Warwick
Did you know spiders can make silk as strong as steel?
Spiders by Nic Bishop gives lots of excellent facts about spiders! It is verry useful.
The book gives lots of useful facts. The photographs make you feel like the spiders are right there. The glossary helps you understand new words.
Anybody who likes spiders would really enjoy this book!
Sienna P.
Warwick, Scott School
I recommend this book because it has amasing photos of spiders . Alsothis book has a lot of inportant facts about spiders. Lastat the end there is a glossary for people to understand new words .That is why you should read this book. A reader who would enjoy this book would be people who like spiders .
scott school
Ilove this book it has awsome pictures also it has amazing facts ,close up pictures and about how they live what they eat or how they eat it THE MOST BEST PART ABOUT THIS BOOK IS HOW STRONG ARE THERE WEBS! IM
scott school
The book Spiders was a very very nice book. the author name is Nic Bishop . IF you like spiders then you would like to check out this book . If you are the kind of person that like spiders then you would love this book . The author gets as close as he can and tackes pichter
Did you know other organs on a spiders feet can smell and taste things just by walking on them.
Spiders by Nick Bishop has very great photographs.
one reason Ilike about this book because they show up right photographs. I thought this book would be awful but then my teacher read it then I changed my mind.
A spider lover would like this book.
By R P. Scot school
I like the photographs on the book it was very close up. If you like a book with photographs(not illustrated book)I would recammnd this book to you. It has alot of facts and species of spider.
Scott school
grade 4
do you wanna know creepy facts about spiders? whan i read spiders by nic bishop i thought it was gross creepy and exiting.The reason i recommend this book is theres alot of facts that poped out and it was gross and nasty and slimmy eww!
written by nicholas
scott school
Spiders lay about 100 eggs and the mom takes them with her to protect them.Spiders by Nic Bishop is an interesting book it inspired me to like spiders.One reason this book is awsome because Nic Bishop actully gets so close up and takes the pictures.He also has creepy crawly facts about spiders.The pictures pop out
like 3-D thats really cool to me.Well after when you heard all of that stuff i think you would like to read this book.
Scott School
Did you know spider's webs can be as strong as steel? This author teels you great facts about spiders.He has amazing photographs that make you feel like you are right there.This book also has a index to help you find a certain page you are looking for quick quick! It also has a glossary incase you don't know what some words mean. If you are crazy about spiders you will wan't to read SPIDERS by NIC BISHOP over and over and if you don't think your a spider person you will love the pictures.
Natalie S. Scott school Warwick,RI.
did you knowthatspiderbabys travle bythrowing their webs into the air
and they actually fly for hours! its true! I was amased! If you want to learn more even more about spiders read SPIDERS BY NIC BISHOP its awsome the spiders POPout atyou and the auther evenkeeps spiders in his HOUSE and there is a glossary to help you learn what some words mean
you should read this book if you LOVE spiders or creppy crowlies
i didnt but now i do
scott shhool
Did you know that spiders can dance to find its mate. I think Nic Bishop gave great details about spiders. This book has amazing facts about spiders. The author gets as close as he can ,and he even keeps spiders in his house.The spiders popout bright colors. Even if you like spiders you might want to read this book about spiders. Chaselle Scott School
Did you know, spiders silk is as strong as steel? If you want to see the creepy gaze of spiders then you should read "Spiders" by Nic Bishop. Spiders has grrreat close up pictures. Terrific interesting facts, and out of this world graphics. The helpful glossary comes in handy when you need it. I`m the type of person who`s terrified of spiders, but I have to say I love this book!
Scott Elementary
you will love the book spiders.Spiders silk can be as stong as steal can you belive that I got that fact from a boook.Spiders by Nic Bisop is a fantastic book to read.you sould read it.It had some of the best photographs ever.It had some amazing facts about spiders.If you like spiders and dont know much about them then youd like this book.
GCscott shcool warwick
Did you know that a spiders silk can be as hard as steel?
Even though i hate spiders and thier big harry eyes I have to admit SPIDERS by NIC BISHOP WAS fascinating. Great book for reports. Y ou thought that seeing a image of aspider up close was impossible Well,in this fascinating picture book you can learnfun facts.Nic Bishop , the spiderholic gives great information.Did you know spiders have 8 eyes?!Great for all ages
P.S if you like ponies don`t read this book!
Scott Elementary
Do you know that a Spidens acts it inject it venom and turn it into mush.SPIDENS by NIC BISHOP is the best book abut spidens.Ilove the phots.I think the that spidens is going to jump out at me.If you like creepy spidens this is the book for you.
scott shcool warwick.
Did you know spiders have eight eyes?I read an amazing book called Spiders by Nic Bishop.It has close up photos that look like you are right in the scene.The author is so close.If you like spiders read this.
scott school
Did you know that spiders can be as big as dinner plates. Spiders by Nic Bishop has lots of excellent facts about spiders and very close up pictures.I think you shouldrread this book because it has close pictures amzing facts you never knew and how they liveor what kind of web they spin.The of person I would recommed this book is a person that loves spiders.
I recamend this book because it gives you facts abaut spiders you might not know.I also liked the photos.I liked the photos because they were zoomed in.I would not recamend this to someone with archnophobia but other than that, I would recamend this book to anyone.
Scott School
Did you know that some spider silk is as strong steel? Well, if you read Spiders by Nic Bishop you would have known if you didn't. It is a detailed book with a lot of spider facts. You can find a lot of spider information in this book. I personally don't recommend this book because the pictures in this book are very close up so I couldn't really see them that cleary and on some pages I couldn't tell what the pictures were. Also, it's not that organized so it's hard to find facts I'm looking for. I think the type of person who would like this book are people who like spider, nature.
Grade 4
Scott School
Did you know that some spiders dont have any eyes at all ? Well in this book called Spiders by Nick Bishop has great pictures of spiders and this book has great features too! You should read this book becuase thier are differnt kinds of of spiders! There are amazing fact about these spiders! If your a spider lover this is the book fro you but if your not this is the wrong book for you but to me i think its cool!!!!! HP
grade 4
Scott School
Did you know that the biggest tarantula in the world is the size of a dinner plate? The book, Spiders, is written by Nic Bishop. This book has so, so many facts about spiders. It's up to you, but this is not the 1st book I would pick up. I do not recommend this book. If you open a nonfiction book and you don't like it, I think this book has the same feeling to it. If you don't have that same feeling though, I think you should read it. That is what I think about this book. P.S. If you like spiders, get up and go get this book. Zach
Scott School
Did tou know that jumping spiders can jump 20 times its size? Spiders By Nic Bishop has alot of incredble Facts about jumping spiders an other spiders there are tons of tarantulas facts an exellent jumping spiders facts you should and other spider facts you should really read these book the photos are excellent. It is like it pops out and good color. Thanks for reading. Hope you enjoyed the book!
Scott School
Did you know that there are spiders as small as a grain of sand?Well Spiders by Nick Bishop is really great it has lots of great facts and deails fou to learn.This book has amazing pictures.It also has alot of diffrent spiders.I dont like spiders but after reading this book I wanted to learn more.If you like spiders you should read this book.B.R
Did you know there are spiders that can jump 20 times there body thangth!Spiders by Nic Bishop,it teaches kids more about spiders and what the eat, where they live and, do all the time Also got great photgraphs's of the spiders. I recommend this book becauseit has lots of facts of spiders, and lots of pictures. I did not know that spiders slik sometimes is as strong as stell! Also lots more. The photographs look like you are really there looking at spiders close up. If you are a spiders lover then you should read this book.
Scott School
Did you know that some spiders have 8 eyes? Spider Nick Bishop has lots of exlent facts about spiders.The three reasons you should read this book because it has about spiders.You could know about jumping spiders.It has zoomed in pictures to see the spiders better.The reader who would enjoy this book because it has a glossary. j.b Scott School
Did you now that spider silk is strong as steal.Spiders by Nic Bishop has alot of good facts about spiders and close up photograhs of spiders.You should recomend this book because it has fold out photograhs of the Jumping spidersIt shows them jumping in slow motion.One of the spiders is a Tarantula,it is as big as the book.It has a glossary that you can under stand the words more.If you want to now more about spiders you should read this book.
Scott Elmentry M.L
Did you know that some spiders have
eaight eyes?Spiders by Nic Bishup is very interesting.It gives so many detials and facts.I recomend
this book because it has fantabulus
pictures.It is also up close.It has so many spiders to look at.if you like spiders this is the book to read.
scoot Elmentry
Did you know that some spiders have
eaight eyes?Spiders by Nic Bishup is very interesting.It gives so many detials and facts.I recomend
this book because it has fantabulus
pictures.It is also up close.It has so many spiders to look at.if you like spiders this is the book to read.
scoot Elmentry
Di you know that some spiders have silk as strong as steel? Or that some eat birds? Spiders by Nic Bishop is an exallant book. There are great photos and the facts are great. Read this book.
Scoot School
Do you like spiders? Well the you are at the right place.Spiders by Nic Bichup.I like all of the photographs and facts.One of the reson why i like is most of the close up photos.Also all of the photos are i ncolor.Finally there are alot of facts about spider i n this story.
did you now that spiders edject vetom in other creatures and drink the in sides? spiders by nick bishop was the best book i read this year.you shoul read this book becuaes spiders have cool desines. second reason is tey jump very high. third reason is there is cool photograghs in it.if you like spiders you should read this book from nick bishop
Did you know spiders can jump 20 times their body length? Spiders by Nick Bishop was the best book I ever read!One reason I recommend the bookis that it has colorful pictures,not black and white. Another reason is it lets you take a close look. My last reason is it has very good information. If you are a science lover, this is the right book for you.
Park School
Did you know spiders can have upto 8 eyes? The book about spiders that
Nick Bishup made is the great book of photoghragh of siders ive ever seen.I like this book because it has good photoghragh,facts,and a lot of information for spiders.If you want to know about spiders this is the book you want to read.
Did you know that a spider can jump to up to 20 times it's own length?
Spiders by Nic Bishop was the best factual book I've read about spiders.
You should read this book because it has great photographs. Everything is in color and close up. It also has lots of facts about spiders. You will learn many things.
Even if you don't like spiders, by the time you finish this book, you will be interested in spiders.
Park School
Did you know spiders have up to six eyes but can't see very well so they sence insects by there ears Spiders By: Nic Bishop is an awesome book!Let me tell you why First of all,a reason why I like this book was that the author also took the photos.Also,I liked this book because it has colored photograghs were very interesting.Lastly,I liked this bookbecause the photographs were very interesting. Lastly, I liked this book because it gave you information about the spiders you saw on the page. If you are someone who likes spiders, you should read this book!
Park School
Slurp slurp!! did you know spiders
catch flys in there web but don`t
eat them but suck there blood?
Spiders are arachnids not insects. Also they have exoskeletons. The book Spiders by Nic Bishop is a story of really weird creepy crawlies. The spiders were amazing. It has tons on cool facts, and the pictures are really fascinating by getting up close and seeing what kind they are. If you like creepy crwalies, then you should read Spiders.
Scott School
Did you Know that spiders have string as strong as steal?These pictures in this book are very interesting.They have all kinds of differnt spiders and they are very cool.Nic Bishop had rwritten a very good book
scott school
Did you that a spiders silk is as strong as steel? If you want to learn about spiders fast I suggest you read Spiders by Nic Bishop.This book really gets you hooked on the photos because Nic Bishop gets close ups. Nic Bishop even keeps spiders in his house. He gets so close you feel like your there.If you enjoy creepy crawly spider facts this is the book for you.
Did you know a strand of a spider's silk can be as strong as steel? Spiders by Nic Bishop was a great book about 8 legged crawlers. I recommend this book because it is cool to see and learn about spieces of spiders. The facts are amazing and the photos make it look like you are right there. The type of reader who would like to read this book is one who goes forth in learning.
Scott School
Did you know that when the spider's chatch there pray they mush them up in there mouth and then srup the vein out? Even thow i don't like spider's the spider book by Nick Bishop was pretty good and the title of the book was spider's. I recommend this book because it has amazing pictures and photographs. It is close up it makes you feel like your write there. It has popout bright colors. The author even keeps them inside his home. You can find the glossary and index in the back of the book. The author gets as close as he can get. If you like creepy, crawly,gross creaters you should read this book. Diandra Scott school
Did you know that spiders are not insects they are arachinids.I thought spiders was a good book because the autor took pictures of the spiders were close up and he took care of spider in his own home.You can even see the spiders molt. If you like gross storys you shoud read spiders.
Did you know a spider has 8 eyes but can not seevery well because it uses its other senses? Spiders by Nic Bishop is by far the best book I ever read. This book has amazing up close photographs. This awesome auther gets you up close photos. Also ithas the most amazing facts about spiders ever. If you like spiders and gross things this is the book for you.
Scott Shcool
Warwick R.I.
Did you know that spiders silk is as strong as steel. Spiders by Nick Bishop is the best book I've ever read about spiders.I like this book because it has creepy, crawly facts about spiders. The book has amazing photographs plus it has an index so you can find what you're looking for. I hate spiders, but this book helped me get out of my fear of spiders.
Scott School
Did you know that a spider has eight eyes.The book spider is terific,Nic Breshop a great author spiders shot vinom and turns prays insides into soup.I recommend this because it talks about creepy,crawly,spiders.And a guy who loves spiders.If you like pretty fairy tales this book is not for you but if you want dis gusting spiders this si for you
scott shool
Can you believe that a spiders silk can be as strong as steel? SPIDERS By.Nic Bishop is filled with accurate real life photos of spiders. This book is filled with photos that are so close up that you feel like you are right in the spiders habitat. The index helps you find spiderific facts fast. If you don't know whst a word means you can look it up in the glossary and you will understand it. I would recomend this book to people who like nonfiction books and love creepy, crawly creatures.
Scott School
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