Committee Annotation:
Can Sally and her family escape slavery and the slave hunters to find safety withe Seminole Indians in Florida?
Subjects: Historical fiction, slavery, escaped slaves, Seminole Indians, tribal life, survival
Author website: http://brendawoods.net/index.html
This book is really sad especially when the family escapes. It gives little-known historical information about the plight of Native Americans and the practice of slavery.
Zane and Vikky
5th grade
Eldredge School
East Greenwich
This book is really sad especially when the family escapes. It gives little-known historical information about the plight of Native Americans and the practice of slavery.
Zane and Vikky
5th grade
Eldredge School
East Greenwich
September 11, 2008 10:53 AM
I loved this book. I loved the part when the family escapes. The sad part was when the mother died then the Indains seen the cross in the water. Then i liked when the Indians told the family that escaped to get in the boat and they finily got to the indains village
Morgan D wlc grade 5
This book makes me wonder if I would be brave enough to do something with so much risk? The dad took a big chance to keep his family together. Read the book and decide if it was worth it.
Grade 5
Greenbush Elementary
West Warwick
This book is very good. It is sad when Mama dies though. Allthough at the end it go a little boring. But overall it was an awesome book. I thought it was going to be a really bad book but I was wrong.It kept me locked to the book. Great book by the author!
Julie K.
sally is cool
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