Committee Annotation:
Evan is starting fourth grade in six days. Unfortunately, so is his younger and smarter sister. When Evan's anger develops into a competition- who can make more money selling lemonade- it's full out war.
Subjects: Competitions, brothers and sisters, skipping a grade, arithmetic, problem-solving, marketing, franchises, donating money, charities
Author website: http://www.jacquelinedavies.net/
I loved the book because I also had a lemonade stand as a child. I was impressed with what they decided to do with their money.
Deb M. Eldredge School Grade 5
WOW i just couldnt put the book down i had to keep reading. It was so descriptive and leaves a mystery behind at the end. You just want to hope theres another book because of all the things that happen.
Chris m Orchard Farms Elementry School grade 6
Lemonade war was a rewally good book. I just could't put it down
This book is about a brother and a sister that have a lemonade war. The brother is 1 year older that the sister so you would think he would win. But the sister is still smarter. A good part in this book is when they really fight and try as hard as they can to win the war. You would like this book if you like competion books and a really shocking ending!
Jennifer C.
grade 5
Maisie Quinn Elem.
West Warwick
it was just such a good book i think it was the 5th best book i have ever read &and i liked it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The Lemonade War is very interesting. I think it is funny the way Jessie retaliates against her brother.
Mrs. Gluek's Class
Hampden Meadows School
I liked The Lemonade War because I liked the way they decided how to win their money, and what to do with it afterwards. I liked the fact that no one won. I thought it was funny. I liked how they fought to get money. I liked the way that Jessie was better at Math than her brother Evan. I liked how Evan was mad because his sister was going to be in the same class.
Mrs. T. Couto's Class
Hampden Meadows School
The Lemonade War is very interesting,I like the way how Jessie and Evan fought about the money and them earning money.
Also when Jessie is going to be in Evans class gives it an extra touch.
I loved it! I like how Evan and Jessie get into a fight and at the end they work it out. Also I like how they made their signs diffrent so they could get more customers. I know they made the right coice to call it all off. You should really read this book.
Joshua D
Steere Farm Eleamantry School
This book is good. I like it because it has to do with lemonade. I LIKE LEMONADE :)!!!!!!
a j.b.f student
The book was great because it reminded me of when I was little. When I had my lemonade stand I raised $40.20 for a charity.
I just couldn't put the book down!! It was the the best book i ever read.I also liked the way they fought to see who could get a hundred-dollars first !!!
We really liked this book because the girl wanted to make a lemonade stand to compete with her brother. We recommend this book because it was humorous.
This book was great! It was very descriptive. I couldn't put the book down. The characters are also awesome. It is very interesting with what they did with there money. I was also suprised that they put all there expirence on a business information billboard. I would give this book a 9 out of 10.It is also interesting to see that there business billboard won the Labour Day contest!
Julie K.
This book was intresting and different at the same time it was kinda enjoying to read. I would recommend this book to others who like lemonade or just a fun story to tell. I also had a lemonade stand with my brother as a child so I liked this book.
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