Grades: 5-6
Committee Annotation:
Forced to flee his home in Africa, Kek faces new experiences like airplanes, snow, and school. A friend and a cow, along with some courage and creativity, help him find his way in his new country.
Subjects: Refugees, immigration, Sudan, Minnesota, grief, homesickness, problem-solving, resilience, mothers and sons, friendship, cows, free verse, point of view.
Author website: http://www.katherineapplegate.com/
This book was great. I have alreday read 6 rooster books is this is one of the best! I liked how Kek was very brave through out the whole story. Great novel by the author! Two thumbs up.
Julie K.
I couldn'put it down because it was one of those cliffhanger books.
It is so sad how some people have lost all these loved ones and how they survive without them.It gets happier and happier towards the ending. Kek discovers hope.
AL Grade 4 Charlestown School
Iloved this book it was awesome.i just wish it was longer.
I loved this book.I COUND NOT STOP READING IT.
Great book!
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