Committee Annotation:
The shock, the horror. Four young people gone forever. A girl remembers turning ten during the time of the Civil Rights marches, sit-ins, and bombings by the Klu Klux Klan.
Subjects: Civil Rights Movement, Alabama, African-Americans, Klu Klux Klan, racism, church bombing, loss, free verse, photography
Author website:
This book is sad. The Klu Klux Klan was very mean to people with dark skin during the civil rights movement.
This book is probably the sadest rooster book. I did not like how the Klu Klux Klan killed so many people during civil rights. Good thing Martin Luther King changed it all.
Julie k
Birmingham is a great book . It's is also very sad . Those people who blew up the church are very mean . How can someone blow up a church filled with people. It's just wrong . Those girls who died oviously didn't want to die . They just wanted to go to eh bathroom to talk or somehing.
Carissa .I. Eden Park Elementary.
If you like being sad this is the right book for you. This book is for you because i cryed. So i think you will cry everyday practicaly. I didn't cry everday. But this book is really, really sad. You will cry until the end of time. Once again this book is realy, realy sad.
This book is about the bombing and freedom. People had to dream to be free. This is a great book to read. It is about history and freedom. It was sad at the end.
Jordynn S.
grade 5
Maisie Quinn Elem.
West Warwick
Birmingham, 1963 is about a girl turning ten and the KKK puts a bomb under the steps of her church. Four girls go to the bathroom and... Whoever likes to learn about black history month, you would lover this book.
Gem M.
grade 5
Maisie Quinn Elem.
West Warwick
This book is about what happened in 1963, especially about four little girls who were involved in a bomb set off by terrorists. I would recommend this book to people who like to learn about what happened a long time ago. The part I disliked was whe the terrorist bombed the church.
grade 5
Maisie Quinn Elem.
West Warwick
Four girls were killed in a bombing during the civil rights movement. This book is good because it shows you real pictures of what happened, but you can get a picture in your head without looking at the real pictures.
Alex G.
grade 5
Maisie Quinn Elem.
West Warwick
I like this because it's not like a robot told it, more like an acual human. I also may not recomend it because it is sad. I would recomend it to people that may like sad books.
This book is Birmingham, 1963 by Carole Boston Weatherford. This book is about a church in 1963 that was for blacks only. The girls birthday was that today her 10th Birthday. 4 girls went into then bathroom. Someone lite a fuse on dinamite and the 4 girls died. I would recommend this to people who like amystery and history. Igive it 3 paws because I loved.
This book was a great and sad book.I thought it was sad because 4 girs died.I would not reccomend it to anyone because it made me feel sad.My friends would not like it.this book deserves 2 stars.
Lincoln Central Elementery
the book Birmingham,1963 by Carole Boston Weathford, is a great poem/book.I like this book because it made me change.Instead of thinking about myslef all the time I thought of some one else for a change.It is about a girl on her birthday, she went to church and someone put a bomb under the church steps and 4 girls aroumd the age of 12 went to the ladies roomand the bomb bexploded,the four girls died. i would reccomend this book to any one who likes the truth and can handle sadness.
lincoln central elementary
I liked this book. Yet unfortunately it was very sad. 4 girls go into a bathroom. Somebody put dynamite under the church steps. The girls in the bathroom die. This book was written as a poem. The title of the book is Birminghamm, 1963 by Carole B. Weatherford. I would recommend this book to somebody who likes sad stories or nobody. I gave this book 3 stars.
This is a sad story about a place and time when hatered acts took the live of 4 young girls. It's an important message from our history in the United States. I think it is important for people to understand how some people were forced to live and how they were treated.
I didn't like the book Birmingham, 1963 because it was sad that four girls died.I could imagine a blue car with two white men in it exploding that church with a bomb.I wouldn't recommend this book because it's really sad.
I liked Birmingham, 1963 by Carole B. Weatherford because it was written in the prespective of a 10 year old girl. I like history books because you can learn what the world was like before you were born. I would recomend this book to 5th graders because it's a historical book that may help with history lessons. I also thought this book was really sad and I do not reomend this book to people who get sad easily.
i think this book is cool and not sad i wish it happend to me(notits sad)
I LOVED this book because it was what happened during the Civil Rights Movement. I would recommend this book to someone who likes to learn about history because there were real photos in this book. This book made me feel sad cause people were so mean to the people with different skin colors.
The book Birmingham, 1963 was about a girl talking about the day she turned 10. I thought this book was very sad. i thought it was very sad because the white people bombed the Afarican Americans church the day the nararator turend 10. i would reccomend this book to people that like historical fiction.
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